viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Today I will write about my dog, Dylan. Dylan is a west highland white terrier; I and my girlfriend buy it last year. She already had a cat named Sara, I like cats but this in particular is not very nice so I wanted another pet for me. His name is Dylan for the Scottish poet Dylan Thomas not for Bob Dylan, who took his name for the same person.

Dylan is a good dog, he learned very quickly to do his “business” outdoor, and actually it took him only two weeks. The first big screw up he did was destroyed a plant of our roommate that his dead grandma gave to him before to die. When he was a puppy, he failed into the pool on my uncle’s house, I saw him for far and I ran there to take him out, the funny thing was that he was swimming to the bottom not to the top or the edge.

In the present, we live with my sister who loves Dylan. She taught him to get sit when we ask and she taught him too, to wait calm for his food and rewards.

The last funny thing he did was to reject a girlfriend that we found for him. Josefina stayed three days in our house and nothing happen between them, actually he hated her.  

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