viernes, 12 de octubre de 2012

European Union and Nobel peace prize

I think is very funny and ironic that the Norwegian committee gives this particular day the Nobel peace prize to the European Union. Is important to remember that centuries ago, in this date, started one of the most bloody chapters of the human history with the “ discovery” of America.

We don’t need to go so many years ago to see in this continent, and especially in the great potencies which ruled there a tendency to make war against other countries usually smaller and weaker on military terms. Spain and England strongly support the war against Afghanistan; months ago France had an active participation on the Libya’s war against the Gadafi regime.  

The important thing in this prize is how the Europeans continue looking themselves like the center of the world and protectors of the civilization. This is clear in the Norwegian committee reasons exposed on the news; the European Union is an active force of the peace on Europe and is the promoter of the alliance between France and Germany, the two of them great historical enemies. All this is true to certain point; first the Union is principally and economic agreement which have brought terrible consequence to peripheral countries like Greece when they must pay the “helps” of the UE. Second, the UE promote together with the peace, and single economic model which trays to any cost destroy the welfare state.

This situation shows that many things don’t change yet, how I already said, Europe doesn’t look like equal to the people across the sea when war there is not important to the peace here. And by the other side, the concept of peace the Norwegian committee has, doesn’t consider the social conflicts the UE generates on their own smaller neighbors. 

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