viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012


It’s funny that the country I like to visit I already visited before. Cuba is the country I most like to go now. When I was there I went with my dad and sister but also with my dad’s girlfriend and her two sons, one of them my sister’s boyfriend. This was a very strange and uncomfortable situation for me, and over this I made the mistake of not go with any money to do my thinks by my side.
If I go to Cube by my own now, I like to rent a car and go to explore all the country, and the different cities and village. I wouldn’t do the touristic travel on the resorts. But one think that I will do on the same way I did on my first travel to Cuba is drink many Mojitos and Daiquiris, and eat a lot of Ropa Vieja.
Actually I love to live in Cuba by a time; I love to study something on the Habana University too. I love this because Cube is absolutely different society to Chile, I think that I really prefer this.  

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