viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012


I think my best holidays had been when I travelled to Riviera Maya. It was two and a half years ago on summer. I went there with my dad and sister; it was very nice because we enjoyed a lot on different activities together.
We stayed on a beautiful hotel with an amazing beach. I really don’t like the sun or swimming on the beach, because I hate the sand on the body. But, this time the beach was nice because it had a bar with unlimited drinks and beer. Another think that I love of the hotel was the food; I ate all the bacon and meat I could eat.
We also went to Maya ruins on the jungle: Coba, Chichen Itza and Tulum. I must to say that all this places are impressive, the pyramids, the roads, the stone houses...
One day we went to Xcaret, this is a huge park with a lot of different activities to do. In Xcaret we swam on subterranean caves with colour fishes.
I consider this holidays the better until now because it was useful to get closer between our three, and obviously for the excellent and lovely place we visited.


It’s funny that the country I like to visit I already visited before. Cuba is the country I most like to go now. When I was there I went with my dad and sister but also with my dad’s girlfriend and her two sons, one of them my sister’s boyfriend. This was a very strange and uncomfortable situation for me, and over this I made the mistake of not go with any money to do my thinks by my side.
If I go to Cube by my own now, I like to rent a car and go to explore all the country, and the different cities and village. I wouldn’t do the touristic travel on the resorts. But one think that I will do on the same way I did on my first travel to Cuba is drink many Mojitos and Daiquiris, and eat a lot of Ropa Vieja.
Actually I love to live in Cuba by a time; I love to study something on the Habana University too. I love this because Cube is absolutely different society to Chile, I think that I really prefer this.  

viernes, 7 de septiembre de 2012

My first term

My experience during the first term was very good in general.  My year started moving home with my sister and my girlfriend; it was nice because the last year I didn’t live with my sister.
In the university my term was good too; I almost didn’t take exams, except one for attendance in the Theory course.  I learned about new topics too, especially about politic history during the dictatorship. Structuralism course was useful to me because I like the theoretical discussion.  
I really don’t like sports, and in the first term I shall go to the gym to an university course. I didn´t approved this for attendance.
In the end of the holydays I went to the south with my mom site family. We went to Malalcahuello, there we ate a lot and went to very beautiful places like araucaria forests. We went to ski too, I am not good in this and I actually felt many times.

Introduction Post

Hi everyone;

My name is Amaro Pinto, I'm 22 year old. I live in Ñuñoa with my girlfriend, my sister and my dog. But my entire family includes my parents too. My dad lives alone in the downtown, and my mom live with her boyfriend.

I study Sociology, I'm in fifth year. I hope continue studying later, something related to Political Science.

I love walking with my dog, and go out with friend to drink some beer. I like also reading books about topics of my interest. I love to play cards, especially Black Jack on the Casino.