viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

My English experience

I think the English subject at university is very useful to our formation. Maybe, sometimes should be good to include readings of the different disciplines to familiarize our self with the specific language of sociology for example; this because sometimes we don’t know how to translate some words to the Spanish.

The use of blogs at the course is a very good way to practice written English. When we must to write of several topics we need to find new words or manners to say what we need to say. By other way, the use of blogs is a way to think our self in another language, is more that translate our opinions or experience. I always had think that the written English is a lot more difficult that the spoken, because we must to get attention to the grammar and orthography of the text and words. The spoken English is more familiar to us by the TV or the movies.

About the English and myself: I think that I need to improve the common use of the language, when I’m forced to use English sometime I get nervous and I try to explain with gestures or mimes . I also need to improve the use of the different grammatical times, I know its but when I’m talking I forget to chance the verbs.  I don’t have a plan to improve this aspects but the regular practice is enough to get better.

Outside the class I don’t practice a lot, I try to reed texts or watch the movies and TV series without subtitles nut don’t talk very few. Now is probably that for my possible new job I should to use English with costumers. I will do my best in this, for they understand me and me to them.

viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012

My wn business

In the future I would like to have my own business, to have my own cafe-bar. I really don’t like to work like a sociologist, generally is a very unstable matter, in this you must work by periods of time that is the same to not receive money every month. And actually I don’t want to have bosses, make my times and ways.

In this job, I would like to work with nice people. I hate routine, so I will have flexible hours. How I love to design, I will make a beautiful and stylish place to go. I love cooking too, so I should offer delicious options to the customers.

How I said before, the main factor to choose this job is that I don’t like the traditional way to work with boss, routine hours, etc. By other way, I don’t want to be a rich person, so I wouldn’t have the pressure to make big money. Am own business is a place to be yourself.

If I chose this way, I wouldn’t have a job interview. But certain I will have an interview with an investor; a natural person or a big investment institution like a bank or foundation. On this occasion I think I must to show them a serious business project, in this point my years like sociology student will be very useful, because if be a the thing I really learn is how to present documents and establish times, activities and indicator of objectives. I also know to categorize groups, see on them the most important things the search, etc.

I think finally, these years on school don’t will be waist. My business will be stronger and I will be happy.

viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012


Mate is a typical South American herb, this is originate of Uruguay and Paraguay, and it expand to many different countries like Brazil, Argentina and Chile, where it use is more restricted to the south. Mate is consumed from the pre-Columbian era for the Guaranies and the peoples which had contact with them. Later, the Spanish adopted this quickly and take them to other places.

The Mate is an infusion herb; it is consumed usually hot on a cup. But this is also consumed cold, taking the name of Tereré. Mate has a bitter taste and the people drink it like this or adding sugar.

Mate has several of good and useful characteristics. This is useful like a cleaning drink to the organism for the diuretic effect this produce, the mate consumption eliminate toxins from the body on the urine. The mate also produce a stimulating effect, the mateine is similar to the caffeine on this. The antioxidant effect is good against the “bad” cholesterol, and promotes the production of “good” cholesterol. The digestive effect of the mate had been used from centuries, the ancient peoples had a hyper protein diet, which can produce different disease; but the mate helped them to not tern seek.

By other way, the preparation of the mate is a serious matter. This is not only taking hot water and put on the herb. First of all, we must shake the herb on the cup and put the hot water on this. But the water must not to be boiling, and we served this on the extreme opposite of the visible straw “bombilla”.  And when we serve this again we must go closing to the straw.

I love mate, I drink it almost all days, even in summer. I like the bitter mate, without sugar, but I can tolerate in this way when I share a mate evening, because the most important thing of the mate the calling to be around them with friends and family.